Historien om norsk laks: En reise gjennom tiden

I Norge har fiskeoppdrett røtter langt tilbake i tiden. Allerede i vikingetiden ble fisk satt ut i dammer og vann. Den spede begynnelse på dagens oppdrettsnæring starter først på alvor på 50-tallet. 


Earthen dams and enclosures in the sea.

When it came to farming noble fish species such as trout and salmon, little happened until the end of the Second World War. Some of the first to pick up the thread were brothers Eilif and Einar Thom from Brunlanes in Vestfold. Einar had been in England during the war and had seen trout farming in earthen ponds there. As early as 1950, they dug a pond in the garden of their farm and stocked it with trout. From 1958 onwards, they went full steam ahead. They were also possibly the first to release trout into the sea. They built enclosures in the lake with nets on poles. Unfortunately, their facility was hit by a boat, so the entire production was moved to land in large earthen ponds.

This form of farming with earthen dams was called pond farming and was particularly widespread in southern Norway and up the coast of western Norway and Sunnmøre. Eventually, more people tried their hand at hanging things in the sea.